Thursday, May 24, 2007

Oh, the things we do

By the time I get home from work at night, it’s usually at least 6 p.m., oftentimes later. That leaves me about an hour to make Ladybug’s dinner, feed her and give her a bath before it’s time for her to go to bed.

It also leaves me very little time to do the noisy household chores like vacuuming, and this week, pureeing the vegetable soup my mother-in-law made for Ladybug.

With little room in the fridge, a giant pot of vegetable soup on the stovetop and Ladybug in bed, I was in a quandary. What to do?

So I did what any enterprising mother would do – poured the soup in the blender and carted it off into the room the farthest away from her bedroom for blending.

It just happened to be the guest bathroom.

There I am, wedged between the wall and cabinet at 10 p.m., trying to reach the only outlet that of course is blocked by what my husband calls the “ugly cubes” – a stackable storage unit that I used to love before I had to puree soup in the bathroom.

I’d puree, take the blender back into the kitchen for emptying, refill, head back to the bathroom and repeat. I think I did it four times.

All the while, I’m thinking she could have had a V-8.


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