Thursday, November 8, 2007

Fat clothes

I never buy Ladybug’s clothes full price if I can help it. I wait until the end of the season and then stock up on sale items a couple sizes bigger for next year. The practice has saved me hundreds of dollars, and really, what’s more exciting than getting a $25 outfit for the price of a can of soda?

This week I unpacked the winter-clothing purchases I made this past spring – two drawers full of dollar-pants, 99-cent sweaters and two-buck pajamas. I bought them in sizes ranging from 24 months to 3T since I wasn’t sure how fast Ladybug would grow. She has always been taller than 90 percent of babies her age, according to her pediatrician’s growth chart, so I figured I’d err on the side of caution.

But, wouldn’t you know, there’s not a pair of pants in the bunch that fits. Oh, the length is fine. I even have to roll a couple pairs up. It’s the waistband that’s the problem. Seems none of the factory seamstresses took into account that totally toddler characteristic of a tubby tummy.

It’s not as if Ladybug is overweight. She’s slender and oddly toned for someone so little, but that arched back pushes her stomach out like a half a cantaloupe. I can’t snap or zipper her pants closed to save my life.

I read that it will be a few more years before Ladybug’s stomach muscles strengthen enough to give her “normal” posture. I guess until then, she’ll be running around with her fly open.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michelle - Any thoughts on where to find toddler pants with a bit of extra room? I have the same issue for my 2 year old son and am really frustrated.

September 2, 2008 at 6:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have exactly the same problem with my son and he is 15 months. He won't fit 2T clothes and 3T only gets longer, not really any bigger. Cold season is coming and unless he is going to live in sweat pants (which are also hard to find that fit) then I don't know what we will do.

October 14, 2008 at 8:35 AM  

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